This may be the most obvious and/or known factor that most
people think of. Sugar directly impacts our insulin levels, which is a
fat-storage hormone whose job is to regulate blood sugar (this is the
dysfunctional hormone with diabetics). When we eat too much sugar (more glucose
than the body can use as energy, which we actually don’t need much of since fat
is the bodies’ preferred fuel source), the excess is then converted to fatty
acids by the liver and stored as fat cells. Sugar does not just mean white,
table sugar, but also includes any processed flour like pastries, pasta, bread,
and most store bought cookies/cakes/sweets….these all have the same effect on
the body. Yes, fruit is sugar too, however it is encased in fiber so slower
burning and paired with lots of vitamins and minerals. Remember, when items say
no or low-fat, it is usually made up for in the form of sugar, which is a much
bigger contributor to weight loss than good fats.
Lack of Good Fats
I’ve talked about this before, and hopefully you’re thrilled
as always to know that you need to be eating fat! Real, delicious, good quality
fats like coconut, olive and flax oil, grass-fed butter, ghee, raw nuts/seeds,
avocados, and animal fats from grass fed and organic meat, poultry, and wild
caught fish. Our cells (particularly brain cells) need fat to survive, thrive,
and communicate effectively. When we deprive ourselves of these fatty acids, we
are left with cravings, over-eating, and weight gain. In their fabulous book Eat
Fat Lose Fat, Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary Enig point out, “How effective have
the recommended low-fat diets…been, given 97 million Americans (thats’ 64%) are
overweight, according to a published in the October 2002 Journal of the
American Medical Association.”
This is another big one that I’ve touched on many times, but
can play a big role in weight loss resistance and/or weight gain. First and
foremost, if you look at most gluten-containing foods, you are looking pretty
much exclusively at processed and refined foods that typically come paired with
refined sugar. Gluten is a very pro-inflammatory food, which besides being a
factor in obesity is a precursor to many (if not all) disease, ranging from
arthritis to cancer to autoimmune disorders. Many people fall somewhere on the
spectrum of gluten sensitivity (whether it be minor to a severe allergy like
celiacs), and whether this sensitivity is undiagnosed or not, our weight loss
efforts and overall health are guaranteed to be bettered by going gluten-free. There
is no nutrient value to gluten.
Sleep and Stress
Yes, its true…and scary because it feels like it these two
can be by far the least under our control. Whether it be a job that has you
working long hours, a family to take care of, or a myriad of other life
stressors that happen (especially when we live in big urban areas), there’s no
disagreement that these are tough. But its important to focus on what we can
change, instead of dwelling on what we can’t. Lack of sleep and stress directly
impact our cortisol levels, which is a major stress hormone released by our
adrenal glands. With too much or too little cortisol, our bodies really are
unable to lose weight, and we tend to gain weight around our midsection (giving
us that lovely ‘spare tire’ look). Aside from weight management, out-of-balance
cortisol levels can lead to a host of serious problems and impacts our blood
sugar levels, resulting in the sugar and carb cravings mentioned above. Strive
for 7-9 hours a night, and research sleep hygiene for more detailed
suggestions. If you’re able to take naps throughout the day, this is a very
restorative practice, as well.
Environmental Toxins
As animals, we store toxins in our fat cells (which is why
it is so crucial to consume organic and grass fed animal products). Our bodies
are really intelligent, and if our fat
cells are full of toxins, the body tries to resist burning them. Brilliant,
right? Absolutely, but not so brilliant if we want to lose weight. Living in a
major urban center, we are exposed to chemicals and toxins every day from
water, air, food, and homecare and cosmetic products. Even if we can’t be
perfect, it’s essential to try and minimize our exposure as much as possible,
as they can cause serious hormonal disturbances ranging as far as infertility.
Avoid plastic water bottles, buy organic body care products like shampoo,
toothpaste, soap, etc, and as we’ve talked about before, organic food.
Refined and Processed
Most of the reasons that refined and processed foods
interfere with weight loss/lead to weight gain overlap with factors already
discussed. I like referring to Michael Pollan’s observation that if our great,
great grandparents wouldn’t recognize something as food, OR if we can’t
pronounce the ingredient list, it’s probably not the best choice. Packaged and
processed foods are heavily refined, mostly for the sake of shelf-life (which
equates to more money made by the producer). These foods contain chemicals that
our bodies do not recognize, and are typically comprised largely of sugars,
chemicals, and (sometimes) MSG. Yuck.
Another major factor in weight loss are repeated exposure to
foods that we may be sensitive to. Many of us have lived with certain symptoms
for so long (digestive, mental, emotional) that we now consider them the
norm/don’t recognize them. Eating foods to which we are sensitive leads to
inflammation, and inflammation is a contributor to weight gain. Discovering
food sensitivities can be tricky, and working with a nutrition professional can
help. Common allergens include casein (found in dairy), gluten, and soy.
The last factor I want to mention is dehydration, which can
trick us into feeling hungry when really we are just thirsty. Sometimes,
something as simple as drinking a glass of water when we feel a sugar craving
coming on can make the craving subside. Being fully hydrated is also essential
for the function of pretty much every cell in our body. Strive to drink approximately
half of your body weight in ounces (example, if you weigh 150 lbs, go for 75 oz
of clean, filtered water per day). Buy a stainless steel water bottle and keep
it with you all day. Also important for flushing the system of toxins (and
remember, toxins can equal resistance to fat loss).
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